
5 days without my Mistress

Mistress Izzy went back to Belgium, we're only separated for 5 days but it feels like they're gonna take all eternity... We had a great week in Spain together though, we rented a car and went into the mountains, we took a boat to an island to snorkel and take pictures together. We ate in so many restaurants that I stopped counting after the first hour (just joking, it took like 3 minutes). And above all I spent a whole week with my girlfriend, my Mistress, which is plain simply the best way to spent any week. We already wrote about that Mistress Izzy has a new way of rewarding me, when i've been good, she lets me lie down in the bath and pees on me and in my mouth. And her pee is the best thing i've ever had to drink. It makes me feel even more submissive than I normally feel and when she does it, I have this feeling that i'm instantly going into subspace. Which I did in fact, I had punishment first and she peed on me afterwards and I went into subspace in the bathtub, we had to fill the bath with hot water and I stayed in it and it took like 15 minutes to get back on earth, it was great, and I can't wait to feel like that again.

It learned me once again how much I love and trust Mistress Izzy. When she saw I went into subspace  she immediately stopped and took care of me. Something I couldn't have done when I would have been alone. Like when I started crying in Belgium, I gave up myself to Mistress Izzy and I let my feelings go.

On our last day we stayed up practically all night to do all sorts of fun things together, we went to a nice little restaurant in the mountains first, and than we went back to the hotel we chilled out a bit and than we decided to go to McDonalds for a very late night-snack. Mistress Izzy left the hotel barefoot so I was extremely excited already, I love to see y girlfriend barefoot. We went to McDonalds and walked a littebit trough town. But than, we got back in the hotel. Mistress Izzy ordered me to undress and go lie down in the bath, she peed on my and I drank all to it. Than without me having the chance to shower first I had to clean her feet who were very dirty from walking all around town and her vagina from peeing. And than I got caned, my ass and my feet. It was such an exciting, fun night full of domination, submission and love...

Looking back on the holiday, it was the stuff you usually read about in love stories, but to Mistress Izzy and me it was reality for a whole week. And it's surtently not the last time we will go on such magnificent holidays :D

Licking Mistress's Izzy's feet clean after walking barefoot trough town.

My feet getting caned after walking barefoot trough town.

Location: Benidorm, Alicante, Spanje

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