
Champagne in the shower...

Like slave A. said, I arrived in Spain last morning. And as I expected he did some things I don't approve of. Like putting on shoes when he didn't had to, eating to much McNuggets, and masturbating to pictures we took before we left Belgium. So last night we went for a little walk. I was wearing shoes and obviously he wasn't... And when we got back to the hotel his feet got a good severe hard caning until they were acceptably dirty to go and take a shower.

Slave A. getting his dirty feet caned in the hotel, he wasn't tied up, but he knows if he moves the punishment only will take longer and longer, so like a good slave he takes it.

Speaking of showers.... we went to the breakfast buffet (with some good champagne) this morning in the hotel and I had a nice breakfast, after that we went for a swim and in my opinion slave A. exaggerated with his second glass of champagne. So when we got back into our room I gave him a third ;) it's the first time I took a pee on him and he liked it very much, as he should. My pee isn't something I give to anyone, you have to be a good slave to earn it. To me it made me feel super super super much in control, and so dominant that actually all I was thinking about was peeing on Slave A. I mean, that's like ultimate control right ? I ordered him to go lie down in the bath, and because he's a good slave he did so without questioning what was going to happen. He was lying under me in the bath with his eyes closed, and I started peeing on his face, it was the first time we did such a thing so I didn't make him swallow everything, but the pee that got in his mouth he swallowed. Good slave right ? Slave A. will be having some more champagne during the rest of this holiday probably, and he better enjoy it ! 
Location: Benidorm, Alicante, Spanje

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  1. Replies
    1. He is a very lucky guy, he knows that. What I give him is the best thing he'll ever drink.
      -Mistress Izzy-


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