All tied up
Behold my lovely slave A, all tied up. We bought some rope in a local DIY-store. Which is way cheaper then buying your rope at specialty store, and as you can see they work just as well. This is a picture from before I started his punshiment. Trust me, he looked absolutely beautiful after I was done with him.
After my punshiment slave A. was very calm, and wellbehaved. Like he should be after I'm finished with him. I rewarded him with some cuddles. I like a good cuddle with my slave when I'm done with spanking or other punishment. I often feel that it restores some kind of balance. And even though I immensely enjoy it when my slave kisses and licks my feet I like it more before we start spanking then after.
Unfortunatly my bed at home (we're at my slave's place now) doesn't have any legs. So I'll have to be more inventive with tying up my slave. But I don't think that will be a problem.
Notice how slave A's feet are pretty dirty? As a slave I want him to walk barefoot with me, he has a big foot fetish so he likes it very much, and I love the feeling it gives me to have that sort of power over him.
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He's such a lucky guy, and from what I've read in previous posts I'm sure you guys love eachother very much ! Good luck in your love and live ! (nice slave btw)