
24 hours a slave.

Hi people !

This week Slave A. en me are done with all the things we needed to do this month. Finally...
So I came up with this idea of using him as a slave for 24 whole hours. Now, like you guys all know Slave A. is my boyfriend too so the D/s relation is mostly limited to the bedroom and occasionally we do something outside of the bedroom when we're in an environment where it's ok. (Like the time he ate nuggets with my toes in an empty train carriage) But somewhere this week we're going to do take it a step further for once, to try if we both like it. Slave A. will be my fulltime slave for 24 straight hours. And we're both very excited to do it. We're gonna start small, it's not like i'm going to strip him naked in a busy street and whip him and let him lick other's people feet. But we're going to do some exciting things in public without being vulgar or making it obviously he's my slave. I'm gonna make up 10 rules he will have to follow during this 24h.

1. Mistress Izzy's will is law.
2. Slave A. will undergo any punishments Mistress Izzy wants to administer.
3. Slave A. will lick Mistress Izzy's feet at any time under any circumstance and in any state that Mistress Izzy wants.
4. Slave A. will be naked to Mistress Izzy's content, in public he will wear as little clothing as possible.
5. Slave A. will only drink the Mistress's champagne, in private from her vagina, in public from a bottle, unless she gives him something else.
6. Watch, phone and wallet need to be handed to the Mistress.
7. Slave A. will do any sexual act Mistress Izzy desires from him.
8. Slave A. will undergo any form and levels of boundage Mistress Izzy requires of him.
9. If Slave A. wants to do something he must first ask permission to speak, always addressing me as Mistress Izzy.
10. Just to be thorough and clear, Mistress Izzy's will is 100% law.

So that will be the rules, from when we decide it, they will be the only thing Slave A. has to worry about for 24h. Serving me, and listening to me. It's sure going to be a great time !

-Mistress Izzy-

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If anyone has any questions or requests about our life as a sub and dom, shoot !

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