
The day: Collaring day !

Do you know what I like about Mistress Izzy's place ? (besides her and all her kinky toys) (and delicious food too!!!) it's the silence of the night, there's silence at my place as well but it's a different kind of silence. This, at Mistress Izzy's place is of the "hearing a train pass in the distance"-silence, at my place it's "graveyard"-silence. Literally, it's dead, it's empty, I don't like it at all. Here at night I feel safe, I can hear the gentle breathing of my Mistress, the buzzing of whatever's charging and that silence in the night. It's wonderfull ! 

So, what i wanted to say that actually, has to do with what happened last night. It's morning now, and Mistress Izzy is still sleeping. Last night I got collared ! Well, it's not really a collar, it's a bracelet, but the principle is the same. I can't take it of without the key that she will keep. We thought that a bracelet would be much more accepted in our professional lives than a collar. 
We bought the bracelet a little while back at wyredslave, in Great Britain they make their own bracelets and it seemed us a bit more charming than something machine-made out of China. 
Lorri an Jason there helped us really good with choosing what it eventually was going to become, and what has is become ? Man, it's beautiful, it's a handcrafted piece of art, it looks so elegant, it looks so strong, it looks so strong that it wouldn't surprise me if you could pull or truck or something like that with it..... The engraving says "Owned by Mistress Izzy" We had put "Slave owned by Mistress Izzy" but in the initial work "Owned by mistress Izzy" came out and we liked it more... Than it was the question of where to put my slave number on the Mistress Izzy's key and than it was ready, a couple of days later I got it in the mail, that was yesterday :) to order your own beautiful artpiece click here.

We first greased the screw and the lock with some WD-40 because I wouldn't want to have any surprises when I actually do take it of. We put it on and I immediately felt really submissive and I still do. Now I can't at any moment forget i'm owned by Mistress Izzy, and other people can see it too. After we've putted it on and locked it we went out to a restaurant where Mistress Izzy and I went on our third date as a couple, the guy that worked there that evening wasn't there, to bad ! But the food was more the delicious. And I had the feeling that everyone was watching me, and thinking: "Look there a owned slave." That was just a feeling of course nobody could actually see it because we were sitting outside and I had my coat on. But you guys get what I mean right ? We had a cocktail after that and we went home, it had become quite late-ish so I was hungry and the Mistress bought some McNuggets for me to eat on the train home, I had to eat each nugget from between her toes without using hands in the train, there was no one in the carriage, we had it for our own but there could have someone coming in at any time. Man that was exciting to say the least licking her feet in a train filled with people ! Than we went back home where I was severely caned (I had done several things wrong so I deserved it, and I enjoyed it as well. 

I think i'm going to wait until Mistress Izzy's awake and than go to the store or so... it's one of our last days together before I leave for a couple of days so we need to enjoy each other 100% :) 

Kind regards ! 

Slave A.

SlaveA. wearing his new lockable bracelet.

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